Monday, May 31, 2010

Public Private Partnership

(source: Google Image, 2010)

Public Private Partnership

This section explores the importance of public private partnership in the context of the relationship between The Te Hana Community Development Trust and Rodney District Council. Public private partnership (PPP) is a type of funding method which involves collaboration between both private and public sectors to achieve commonly a public good. This creates a cooperative between the public and private sectors, built on the expertise of each partner that best meets clearly defined public needs through the available resources (Allan, 1999).

Public Private Partnership in Te Hana

The purpose of this report is to provide the community trust with information to develop public toilets within the community. It is of our opinion that a public private partnership is needed to achieve the purpose. There was funding for a public toilet in Te Hana, however it was removed from the Rodney Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP).

The Rodney District Council has statutory obligation under the Local Government Act 2002 (s10) to provide public toilets for communities. Therefore it is crucial for council to enable sustainable development in provision of this infrastructure and to understand and recognize the different needs of the community. In order for Te Hana to seek funding to provide public toilets, there are three important processes that must be taken into account, consultation, interaction and cooperation between Te Hana community and Rodney District Council.

Maintaining a clear interaction means a more coherent framework for policy and practice, it can bridge the gap between community and council, and it also helps community to keep on track with plan change. This relationship can be achieved by creating a corridor for representatives on the both sides to improve efficient communication and community engagement. The most cost-effective ways to enhance interaction is through network. Rodney District Council established a forum called “Citizens Panel”, the purpose of this panel acts as a platform for residents to have their say on a range of issues to towards better planning for the future (Rodney District Council, 2009). The panel contributes to build a good interaction between Te Hana and Rodney District Council. In particular; a PPP would contribute to key areas such as financial. If public toilets are built, there are benefits to both Te Hana community and Rodney District Council. As it provides basic infrastructure for the community, and also improve amenity for the region. But the chances for Te Hana to argue for funding for public toilets are important now for a of ‘legacy’ project.

Allan, J. R. (1999) Public –Private Partnerships: A Review of Literature and Practice. Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, Public Policy paper n.4.

Rodney District Council (2009). 2009-2019 Long Term Council Community Plan,, (accessed :05/04/2010).

Rodney District Council (2009). Citizens Panel,, (accessed: 06/05/2010).

Google. (2010), (accessed: 30/05/2010).

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