Monday, May 31, 2010

Literature Review on Climate Change

International and national mechanisms to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions

In the report of Climate Change Literature Review, it suggested that policies on climate change need to distinguish between the short term and long term strategies, so that short term policy outcomes do not hinder the achievement of long term goals (Stern, 2007). In the short term policies will focus on a flexible approach to achieve long term, while the long term goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Stern, 2007).

Stern also argues that the perspective of economics on mitigate greenhouse gas emission. For instance, a tax can be introduced so that emitters face the full social cost of their emissions. Regulation can be used to impose quantity restrictions that will limit the volume of emissions. And a market can be created to in which “property rights” can be allocated among those causing the externality or these affected by can underpin bargain or trading (Stern, 2007, p.353).

Encourage individuals, families, businesses and communities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions

It is important to combine bottom-up and top-down strategies to future climate change strategies. It was suggested that community development approaches were essential and involved a partnership between the public sector, business, and local communities down to a household level (Hucker and Woodly, 2008). It means of building relationships with community to change their behaviour, rather than relying on engineering and technical solutions. This would contribute to reduce emissions in long term approach.

Hucker, B and Woodley, N. (2008) Climate Change Literature Review

Stern, Nicholas (2007), The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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