Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chelsea Sugar Refinery

Identified issues

1. Lack of various public transits means no effective transport system to satisfy the demand of public transport usages. Currently, the transportation in Chelsea is relaying on the private vehicles.

2. Inadequate transport routes, because there is only one existing road that connects to inside and outside of Chelsea. One legal access road will not be enough to service both residential and commercial uses.

3. Lack of pedestrian movement and cycling route due to narrow road, which does not provide adequate space for walking and cycling.

4. Potential adverse effect of heavy noise and pollutions by traffic flow, this would affect localresidents as well as wildlife.

5. There is a potential effect of new transportation structure that will demolish the existing landscape and the building patterns in Chelsea.


1. The objective for lack of various transport choices is aiming to provide efficient and sufficient public transport services to the site. Transports such as buses, ferries and light tram would increase participation in usages of public transit, and also reduce CO2 emission.

2. To ensure that new transport routes have the ability to connect and expand the existing arterial roads to outer areas. The intension for this objective is to provide an integrated transport network, and enhance the accessibility.

3. To achieve a comprehensive roading network for both pedestrians and bikes, in a clear layout that is easy and safe to navigate around by walking and cycling.

4. The purpose of this objective is to reduce the adverse effect of heavy noise, and avoiding or mitigating various pollutions to wildlife.

5. This objective is aiming to maintain the character of buildings, by avoiding the potential effects of future road construction to the present site.


1. Integrated transport service to enable transport demands, and provide choices for local residents. This can be achieved by providing convenient and efficient transportations such as bus and ferry to and from surrounding areas. There is a core relationship between transport service and route, because increasing the efficiency of major arterial routes to would support public transport usages. In order to imply this policy, it also requires a co-operation between the government and transport companies to provide the service and roads.

2. Enlarge the existing road in Chelsea Sugar Refinery, as well as to connect the existing routes, this would improve access and mobility for the site. The goal can be achieved by expanding the length of the existing road from 2 lanes to 4 lanes, and connect Colonial Rd to the site, as the connection is already exists. Onetaunga Rd also has the potential to be connected, but it does not comply with the provision, as it will demolish a significant part of the bush in between. The new transport route must be able to connect existing roads in outer aras.Those improvements would enhance the accessibility and mobility to and from the site.

3. This would require local authority to set a target based on promoting walking and cycling facilities, and those facilities must arranged in a safe and convenient manner. The development of walking and cycling would be integrated into the atheistic coastal feature. The physical infrastructure for walking and cycling should emphasis on the short journals such as route to school and local shops. In order to attract more pedestrian movement, the footpath must be safe and flat to walk on, as well as provide a pleasant environment for pedestrians.

4. Council will ensure that, activities that are generate heavy traffic volume must not associated within concentrated residential and wildlife areas. Such activities would not be acceptable for resource consent unless the effect of noise and pollution level can be avoid, mitigated and remedied. The effect can be minimised by separate heavy transit routes from high residential and wildlife areas, and also can be minimised by limit vehicle travelling speed.

5. The solutions for potential effects shall be recognised in land transport planning and management process. This would reflect to a pro-active approach that is based on avoiding or mitigating significant effects through well-organised planning and engineering concept, which enables protection and maintenance of the existing land condition. The prevention doe sustainable reconstruction and development is essential to this approach.


The purpose of this report is to promote an integrated transport system for Chelsea Sugar Refinery, which will satisfy the transit demands and also better support environmental sustainability. By identifying the issues, objectives, and methods would clarify the improvement for future redevelopment, and this will lead to a comprehensive transport network that ensure the provision is consistent with the regional and district objectives are effectiveness and efficiency for the overall transportation system.

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